Ways to Assist Your Child in High School

6 min readMar 14, 2022



Family can play an important role in assisting their children’s academic success. This can be done by staying informed and providing some support and guidance. Even though teenagers want to be independent, parental involvement is an important component of academic success. As a parent, you must maintain a high level of cooperation with your child throughout their high school years. This is likely to be a difficult time for most students. So, getting close to your teen is even more important than before. As your child enters their senior year of high school, it is critical that you maintain open lines of communication with them. This will provide them with the assistance they require throughout their high school years. In this blog on education, let’s discuss various ways to assist your child in High School.

If you have a child that is about to start high school, it is time to begin thinking about what you can do to help them be successful. Unfortunately, a lot of parents slip into the mentality of simply hoping everything will work out for the best. Then one day, magically, their child shows up on the doorstep with a certificate of graduation. While it is true that some things will just “click” all of the hard work they put in pays off. There is also some elbow grease required to make sure your child has everything they need to reach their fullest potential in high school.

Here are some strategies for keeping your child on track for high school success:

Parent-Teacher Meetings

Children perform better in school when their parents support them in their academic endeavors. Attending the Parent-Teacher Meetings at your child’s school is a great way to discover their teachers and their objectives. School officials may discuss school-wide programs and policies. They may also discuss post-secondary options that parents and guardians of juniors and seniors should be aware of.

Participating in parent-teacher meetings is another way to stay aware. However, in high school, the staff probably schedule these only when parental involvement is required. Issues such as behavioral issues, falling below grade-level requirements, or gaining from advanced schoolwork. If your child has special learning needs, meetings with teachers and other school personnel can be scheduled to discuss personalized education plans for them. Remember that parents and guardians can request meetings with teachers, principals, school counselors, and other school personnel at any time during the school year.

Take a look at the school’s website

When you talk about the school day with your child, knowing the physical structure of the campus building and surroundings might help you connect with them. Knowing where the main office, classrooms, cafeteria, athletic grounds, and auditorium are located is beneficial. Many teachers have their own websites where they post homework assignments, exam and quiz dates, and provide access to textbooks and other materials. On the school or teacher websites, there are frequently additional resources for parents and kids.

Encourage Students to Meet Their Homework Goals

Homework becomes more intensive during high school, and grades become more important for college aspirations. Many teenagers are learning to combine schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and social lives in the midst of these upheavals. Providing your teen with a peaceful, well-lit, distraction-free study space that is loaded with resources is an excellent method to assist. Distraction-free means no phone, TV, or websites that aren’t connected to your homework. Check-in on your teen from time to time to make sure he or she hasn’t become distracted. Encourage your teen to seek assistance when necessary. Most educators are accessible for additional assistance before or after school, and they can also refer you to other resources.

Prepare your child to stay active and learn

A healthy breakfast energizes teenagers and prepares them for the day ahead. Breakfast eaters are generally more energetic and perform better in school. Breakfast meals that are high in whole grains, fiber, and protein, as well as low in added sugar, can aid your teen’s attention span, concentration, and memory. Send fresh fruit, almonds, yogurt, or a peanut butter and banana sandwich if your teen is running late some mornings. Teens also require adequate sleep to remain attentive and ready to learn. However, with early school start times and schedules jam-packed with classes, homework, extracurricular activities, and friends, it’s usual for teenagers to fall asleep too early. Sleep deprivation has been associated with decreased attention, short-term memory loss, inconsistent performance, and delayed response time.

Provide Study Assistance

Planning is essential for assisting your child in studying when balancing many subjects. Since grades are so important in high school, it’s critical to plan ahead for studying. Especially if your child’s schedule is already filled with extracurricular activities. Help your child break down work into smaller parts and stick to the studying calendar timetable. Make sure that they are not studying for many tests in one night. Encourage your child to take notes in class, organize them by subject, and go over them with you when you get home. The more cognitive processes the brain employs to comprehend material, such as writing, reading, speaking, and listening, the more probable it is that the information will be remembered. Repeating words, reading passages aloud, rewriting notes, or picturing or sketching material all aid memory.

Become familiar with the disciplinary and bullying policies

Rules and penalties in schools govern students’ behavior. In most cases, student handbooks contain disciplinary regulations. The regulations frequently address items like student behavior, dress codes, electronic device use, and appropriate language, as well as the repercussions for not meeting the expectations. Details about attendance, vandalism, cheating, violence, and weapons may be included in the policies. Bullying regulations are also prevalent in many schools. It’s useful to understand the school’s definition of bullying, as well as the punishments for bullies, victim support, and reporting protocols. Bullying that occurs through text or social media should also be reported to the school.

Participate in School

Participating at your child’s high school is a terrific approach to show you care about their education. However, keep in mind that while some kids like seeing their parents at school events, others may feel uncomfortable. Follow your child’s signals to figure out how much engagement is appropriate for both of you and whether you should contribute behind the scenes. Make it clear that you aren’t spying and are only attempting to assist the school community.

Treat Attendance Seriously

If a teen has a fever, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, they should take a sick leave. Otherwise, it’s critical that children arrive at school on time every day, because catching up on classwork, projects, tests, and homework can be stressful and distracting. Bullies, difficult tasks, low grades, social problems, or concerns with classmates or teachers are all possible causes for teens not wanting to attend school. To learn more about what’s causing your teen’s worry, speak with him or her first, then with a school official or counselor.

Last but not least

Because communication is a two-way street, how you speak to and listen to your teen can have an impact on how well he or she listens and reacts. It’s critical to pay attention, maintain eye contact, and refrain from multitasking while conversing. Remember to speak to your teen rather than at him or her. Make careful to ask open-ended questions that require more than a simple “yes” or “no” response. Aside from family dinners, useful moments to converse include vehicle rides, dog walks, meal preparation, and standing in line at the shop. The problems of high school can be simpler to tackle when kids know they can chat honestly with their parents.

Ellie Viggiani Elizabeth Ropp Ruby Lee Nadav Zeimer Kristian Shanks Gerald Sturgill Floyd Mori Maiko Serizawa Lisa Martens Walter Rhein Dina Ley Jeffery Cohen Jeffrey Cohen Cindy Shapiro Jordan Andrei Tim Cavey McGraw Hill Donald LUKMAN Chris McNutt jeniffer jones Don Sabado Ellie Reaves Abbi Mireille Dion Margaret Prescod Cory Doctorow Mario Barosevcic Jeremy Elliott Joyce Chu(依小編) Karen Costa John Egelkrout Ivy Augustine Sunny Labh Kieron Spearing Tim Denning Thomas Oppong Eva Keiffenheim Matt Giaro Hammad Hassan

Originally published at https://blogs.dynamind.co on March 14, 2022.




Written by Dynamind

Dynamind is a platform that helps Teachers and Tutors to grow their online classes. https://blogs.dynamind.co/

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