Types of Learning Styles Explained

4 min readFeb 12, 2022



Different people learn in different ways. Educators and others who provide knowledge to students can increase the accuracy of their lesson plans and instructional practices by using tactics that appeal to students with a variety of learning styles. Learning styles are currently a prominent topic in education. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to learning, and teachers must be aware of their students’ learning preferences in order to help them connect with the content effectively. The good news is that you don’t have to be a teacher to understand how each of these learning styles works. We have all types of learning styles explained in this blog on education for your advantage so that when you come across different types of students as a teacher, it will be easier for you to teach them.

Learning Style: Visual

What visual learners remember best is what they see. This learning approach is also known as spatial learning. Charts, graphs, and spreadsheets help visual/spatial learners retain more information than spoken lectures or other more audible teaching resources. These students should take notes that they can subsequently study and analyze.

  • They should color code material with bright colors to make it more aesthetically appealing and easy to understand.
  • Computer-based learning sessions as well as other visual elements can help them understand more.
  • For visual learners, flashcards are also an excellent learning tool. If visual learners are in charge of making and reviewing flashcards, they can get the most out of them.
  • Arranging material can help visual learners since it forces them to analyze data more carefully.
  • Visual learners can benefit greatly from memory aids such as visual chains and mnemonic devices.

Learning Style: Auditory

Auditory learners absorb the most information from their surroundings. People who enjoy studying this manner may benefit from lecture and discussion methods. Auditory learners can benefit from teaching tactics that include the use of tunes or other types of sound.

  • After reading, auditory learners should be encouraged to summarise what they’ve learned orally. Auditory learners will be able to hear the information and gain a better understanding of it.
  • Auditory learners are more likely to remember information from amusing small jingles they make themselves or can be taught. Jingles, songs, and poems read aloud can aid auditory learners in remembering important dates and events.
  • Auditory learners may benefit from videos or audio recordings to help them gain the knowledge they need in a specific situation.

Learning Style: Physical

When physical learners engage in practical learning activities and roam around while learning, they are more likely to remember information. This type of learning is also known as tactile, kinesthetic, or mechanical learning. It is more difficult for kinesthetic learners to retain information by reading a handbook aloud or to themselves than it is for other forms of learning.

  • Kinesthetic learners should be encouraged to stand up and move around the room whenever they are reading a textbook.
  • kinesthetic learners can benefit from computer use since it allows them to employ their sense of touch.
  • Allowing kinesthetic learners to pick at things as they explain concepts, allowing them to emphasize their mouth movements, or letting them learn through audio methods that they can listen to while moving about can all help with understanding.
  • This learner can acquire topics by placing them to music and allowing them to tap out the beat while reciting what they need to know.

Learning Style: Verbal

Verbal learners learn best when they utilize words, which includes reading, writing, and speaking. When given the opportunity to speak, explain, present, or write about the material they’re learning, they’re more likely to retain it.

  • With verbal learners, writing essays and other writing-intensive activities like writing and summarising can be quite beneficial.
  • For verbal learners, highlighting textbook information or notes can be advantageous.
  • People who learn this method may benefit from opportunities to communicate material aloud, such as reading articles or giving presentations.
  • For verbal learners, word games like crossword puzzles, abbreviations, and word searches can be extremely advantageous.
  • For verbal learners, enabling them to follow along with a book throughout lectures can be advantageous.
  • Small group talks can be advantageous to verbal learners, particularly those who prefer interpersonal learning opportunities.

Learning Style: Logical/Mathematical

People with a logical/mathematical learning style learn best by looking for patterns or organizing data into logical structures. This is true for many types of learning, not just arithmetic.

  • When delivering verbal knowledge to learners, arrange it in a way that demonstrates the connections between various concepts.
  • Assign tasks or worksheets that require students to sort or organize data into different categories, groupings, or taxonomies.
  • Include some qualitative approach tasks where students look for occurrences throughout the book.

To sum it up

Different pedagogical approaches that include features that are unique to all learning types are critical for teachers to adopt. This will not only help all students have a better learning experience by taking their preferences into account, but it will also help individual students improve their abilities beyond their natural inclinations. While some kids may favor a particular method of learning, it is critical for all students to acquire a well-rounded approach to learning.

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Originally published at https://blogs.dynamind.co on February 12, 2022.




Written by Dynamind

Dynamind is a platform that helps Teachers and Tutors to grow their online classes. https://blogs.dynamind.co/

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