Is it possible to learn via quiz-based games?

4 min readApr 2, 2022



It’s no secret that standard textbooks are difficult for many students. The reader is rarely engaged or stimulated by the boring, factual content. What if there was a great method to learn? In this blog on education, let’s find out is it possible to learn via quiz-based games. Well, according to Adam Gazzaley, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of California, San Francisco, it is feasible. There are many games on the internet that are designed to help you learn new topics. According to recent psychology studies, it is feasible to learn using quiz-based games. The idea is that if people are given the chance to put their knowledge to the test, they are more likely to recall what they have studied. Quizzes are becoming increasingly popular, particularly in online education. They help students concentrate, detect knowledge gaps, gain confidence, and remember the material. They’re also a lot of fun!

So, how can we adapt this fun to educational quizzes with kids? What makes a quiz useful in the classroom?

Here are some reasons why you should consider using quizzes for learning:


It’s as simple as that, and they’re a lot of fun. We all know that when learning is enjoyable, we learn more effectively. A quiz can provide teachers with a few minutes of relief from their hours of grading. So, if we love it, why wouldn’t the kids we educate appreciate a little fun while they’re learning?

Boost self-assurance

Self-esteem and conviction can be boosted through well-targeted, custom-made quizzes. When students are able to stretch themselves while still succeeding, their confidence grows. A one-on-one quiz relieves the pressure that an “exam” can impose and allows youngsters to make errors in private. Even when utilized in groups or pairs, the nature of a fun quiz can encourage less confident children to make mistakes, particularly if the quiz permits them to try again.

Help with planning and tracking progress

Whether the quiz is used as a pre-topic evaluation or in the middle of a unit, it can be quite useful in determining what students already know or have acquired. In this method, a quiz will help you plan your future actions in a personalized fashion. In fact, quizzes are an excellent technique for students to reinforce their learning across a whole unit of study.

Personalized education can be aided

Quizzes are simple to differentiate while allowing all students to complete the same goal. For instance, the same design can be used for a quiz and educational material, but with different questions. This is a clever way of distinguishing yourself. It can also assist you in determining the appropriate level of challenge for each student and how to best support them in reaching their full potential.

Keynote discussions benefit greatly

A quiz or poll at the end of a lesson is a quick method to see who needs extra support and where you can push them further. Having a common set of meta-cognitive and evaluative questions online that students may access in every lesson through an iPad or computer saves time for the teacher as well. Furthermore, youngsters will develop the habit of reflecting on their own learning.

Excellent for assessing the end of a lesson

A fun approach to find out how much students have learned is to give them a quiz at the end of each lesson or unit of work. It also helps with any follow-ups required. All of this without the anxiety that a more formal test might cause for many students!

Useful for Revisions

Pre-test quizzes might assist students in revising without them even noticing it. A quiz is also a fantastic technique for students to discover and own their knowledge gaps. It’s also a terrific approach to assist them in filling in the gaps and boosting their confidence in traditional examinations.

Assist with monitoring student’s Progress

Keeping track of students’ grades and comments demonstrates that the teacher is consistently assessing and providing feedback to students. This can also assist a teacher in monitoring and tracking student progress.

Promote self-awareness and self-evaluation in students

Students receive immediate feedback on their responses when they take quizzes. It assists them in identifying areas where they need to improve as well as highlighting areas that please them in their development. In fact, it can help to create a growth mentality and the attitude of lifelong learning that you want to instill in your students.

Assist teachers in having a deep feedback exchange with their students

Quizzes could easily become another test format if they are always utilized as a pass/fail or score out of x approach. Teachers, on the other hand, can acquire a better picture of their students’ understanding by examining their responses (or misunderstandings). Then, to push and extend their thinking, give them more detailed criticism.

To sum it up

So, whether it’s before, during, or after a unit of study in school, quizzes can aid at any point. They can help differentiate instruction by providing pre-teaching indicators, learning assessments, rich feedback, self-assessment, and summative data on progress. They’re also a fantastic approach to aid in revision. And they’re a great way to encourage kids to participate in their studies.

Originally published at on April 2, 2022.




Written by Dynamind

Dynamind is a platform that helps Teachers and Tutors to grow their online classes.

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