Tutoring, one of the most widely adopted learning methodologies world over has undergone a sea change over the past decade, with the proliferation of technology and Internet penetration. And now in the backdrop of the pandemic, online classes have not just accelerated but revolutionized the tutoring landscape. According to a PR newswire report*, the global online tutoring market is expected to reach USD 278 billion by 2026, with a CAGR of 10.82% from 2021 to 2027. According to IBEF** “India is the second-largest E-learning market in the world after the US. With over 250 million school-going students, the Indian education market is likely to touch 225 billion USD by 2025, and hybrid learning is clearly the future of education”. Statistics also reveal that the online tutoring services market in India is projected to reach a value of 9 billion USD by 2022.
Online tutoring is therefore not just a formidable option but an inevitable alternative to traditional face-to-face classes. For the teaching community, who are an integral part of the education ecosystem, it is now a “push comes to shove” situation. They have no choice but to embrace online technology if they have to stay relevant. They will now have to rely heavily on virtual platforms in order to nurture teacher-student relationships. Stay connected with students as their mentors for life and impact their learning outcomes through personal touch & a caring approach.
To be able to achieve all of this, what teachers need today is a platform on which they can build an institutional concept of lifelong trust and learn by students. Dynamind’s AI-powered technology app, therefore, is the perfect panacea for this situation. This is because the app is based on the scaffolding pedagogy for teaching, which allows tutors to support students throughout their journey.
Five ways teachers can benefit from this platform:
- Leverage on our cognitive assessment modules to monitor student’s progress and enhance their learning outcomes continuously.
- Use the virtual platform to reach out seamlessly . Bridge the current gap created by the pandemic between themselves and their students
- Build a community of their students present and prospective and keep nurturing the relationship through customised coaching, evaluations and assessments
- Help their student community beat the content clutter through personalized and customised courses
- Create an infinite secondary source of income for themselves. Future proof themselves against onslaught of job losses resulting from situations such as the pandemic
“Technology will not replace great teachers but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational “ George Couros, author of “The Innovator’s mindset”
Credits: *PR Newswire — **IBEF —
Originally published at on January 14, 2022.