Bloom’s Taxonomy is transforming the way we learn

5 min readMar 21, 2022



Bloom’s taxonomy allows educators to compare and contrast different learning and evaluation methods. It can be used to establish personalized learning goals. Despite this, the majority of people use it to evaluate how well kids have grasped various cognitive levels. Bloom’s taxonomy provides a framework for schools to connect educational goals, curriculum, and assessments, as well as organize the breadth and depth of teaching techniques and information provided by teachers. Let’s take a look at how Bloom’s Taxonomy is transforming the way we learn in one of the best education blog out there.

What exactly is Bloom’s taxonomy?

Behavioral and cognitive learning outcomes show that we can use Bloom’s taxonomy objectives to set more important educational goals or standards. Educators utilize Bloom’s taxonomy examples to assist their students to think more deeply while developing relatively modest cognitive skills. Several key phrases used during the evaluation process help students think about these abilities.

Its remarkable and extensive history

  • Benjamin Bloom, an American educational psychologist, developed Bloom’s taxonomy in 1956. A popular way of considering how students learn. Teachers all throughout the world use Bloom’s taxonomy stages that help them figure out what works best for their students.
  • Let’s say you wish to formalize your teaching and learning, improve your tests, or create better curricula. In that situation, we can use Bloom’s taxonomy pyramid, which quickly became a popular method for doing so.
  • This is why this structure is so effective. Used to teach any knowledge that pupils need to know.
  • Bloom’s taxonomy stages are a useful tool for teachers because they help them prepare for demanding classes. This is a key tenet of excellent teaching.

How Does Bloom’s Taxonomy Help Teachers?

Bloom’s Taxonomy is widely used for a variety of reasons. For the time being, it’s evident that many educators adore Bloom’s taxonomy. This is because it provides them with a framework for thinking about their teaching and their students’ future learning. We use this structure to create assessments, examine assignment difficulty, increase lesson rigor, simplify an activity to better individualize learning, create a standardized test, organize project-based learning, manage a group discussion, and much more. Because it only provides an order for cognitive actions, it may be applied to almost everything.

The educational outcomes of Bloom’s Taxonomy include the following:

  • It’s a technique for creating numerous types of educational content. Teachers can use the taxonomy to decide how to categorise content. It also assists teachers in connecting content to tasks that students must complete.
  • As students advance from knowledge to assessment, a teacher might utilize the taxonomy to construct questions or projects that encourage them to think and evaluate. It enables teachers to assist pupils to develop more creative and critical thinking.
  • A teacher or curriculum designer uses Bloom’s taxonomy aims to construct a curriculum and classroom assignments. This moves students from remembering information to higher-level understanding.

How Bloom’s Taxonomy is transforming the way we learn?

Bloom and his coworkers devised a framework consisting of six major components:

  • Knowledge: We describe knowledge as the ability to recognise or remember terms, truths, basic concepts, or reactions without knowing what they signify. For instance, name three common mango varieties.
  • Comprehension: By organizing, interpreting, simplifying, giving explanations, generalizing, and presenting the important concepts, students can show that they understand ideas and information. For example, analyze and compare the qualities of a small and big size mango.
  • Application: When you use what you’ve learned to solve problems in new contexts, it’s called application. This is when you apply everything you’ve learned in terms of knowledge, skills, facts, and rules. Students should be able to solve problems, create connections and links. They should also be able to figure out how things operate in new settings using their past knowledge.
  • Analysis: Analysis is the process of dissecting anything and breaking it down into its constituent parts, figuring out how the pieces fit together, determining explanations or causes, drawing conclusions, and providing evidence to support generalisations.
  • Synthesis: The act of putting information together to generate a new meaning known as synthesis. Synthesis is also the process of putting together a structure or pattern from various elements. It has the following characteristics:
  1. Making a one-of-a-kind communication
  2. The creation of a suggested set of processes
  3. Abstract connection derivation
  • Evaluation: Evaluation requires expressing and supporting opinions by making judgments about information, the correctness of ideas, or the quality of work based on a set of standards.

A revised version of Bloom’s Taxonomy

Lorin Anderson and David Krathwohl modified the concept in 2001 under the title “Taxonomy for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment.” This title concentrates on the more dynamic notion of categorization and the relatively static concept of “educational objectives.”

The most important change to the Cognitive Domain was the removal of ‘Synthesis’ and the addition of ‘Creation’ as the highest level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Since it is at the top, it’s clear that it’s the most difficult or demanding cognitive skill.

Cognitive processes are expressed as verbs in their revision, whereas knowledge content is conveyed as nouns.

Knowledge dimension redefined by Anderson and Krathwohl to encompass four categories.

Factual Knowledge: A student must grasp and use the essential parts of a discipline to solve difficulties, such as basic language and specialized characteristics and features.

Conceptual Knowledge: The interconnections between fundamental factual knowledge, such as classifications and categories, principles and generalizations, and theories, models, and structures, describe how elements interact.

Procedural Knowledge:Research techniques, abilities, strategies, and tactics are all instances of how anything is done when it comes to exploring, applying, or evaluating information.

Metacognitive Knowledge: It includes learning processes, situational and conditional information regarding cognitive operations, and self-awareness. It also refers to one’s insight and perception of cognition.

To Conclude

Bloom’s improved taxonomy enables educators to develop a curriculum for assessing objective learning outcomes. Question stems based on Bloom’s taxonomy make it easier to engage students at each of these stages. Educators can then create engaging and innovative ways for students to learn, reflect on, and analyze their learning over the period of the study.

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Originally published at on March 21, 2022.




Written by Dynamind

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