10 Things You Should Ask Your Child’s Teacher

4 min readFeb 3, 2022



Putting your child to school can be a difficult and exhausting experience for parents, as each new term has its own set of obstacles. The start of the school year can be stressful for both students and their parents. After all, we’re all in it together. It’s natural to worry about how your child will transition to the new school year. While you do everything possible to ensure that your child is prepared, many parents discover that they require some preparation as well. In this blog on Education, We will discuss 10 things you should ask your child’s teacher and also how parents can learn about their children’s academic achievement, styles of learning, likes and dislikes, interpersonal relationships, and other issues at parent-teacher conferences.

A student’s greatest support structure is not an outstanding educator, but rather a knowledgeable and understanding family. They really would like to know the requirements from their child’s instructor, how much homework will be assigned, and what their child will be doing in class on a daily basis. You can use this time to ask the teacher some important questions.

Keeping that in mind, here are 10 critical questions to ask your child’s teacher:

Q — What criteria do you use to evaluate my child’s progress?

Most schools evaluate students based on their involvement in class, homework, and inspections. Other schools use more structured methods of assessment. School assessments, on the other hand, are usually a mix of the two. It’s crucial to understand how your child will be evaluated so you know what’s coming.

Q — What are some core concepts that my child needs to grasp this year?

This question’s response can assist you to figure out what’s crucial this school year. It could be a crucial social skill, a conflict with a classmate, or simply paying closer attention in the classroom.

Q — What can I do if my kid isn’t getting enough challenges?

A parent can tell if their child isn’t being challenged academically enough. Tiredness in class and rushing through homework are two symptoms that your youngster is bored. In these situations, it’s critical to determine whether your child is eligible for certain examinations or ability levels. You can also inquire about any talented programs available at your school. Learning enrichment programs might also help your child learn more effectively.

Q — What has been my child’s greatest achievement?

Some kids don’t tell their parents about what they’re doing in school. By inquiring about your child’s key accomplishments, you will be able to provide them with positive feedback. This can increase your child’s self-esteem and confidence.

Q — What are some areas where my child can improve?

No child is flawless, as many parents are aware, especially when it comes to academics. School might be a delight for some youngsters, while it can be a real hardship for others. Other children may be performing well in most areas but lagging behind in critical subjects such as math or science.

Q — What can I do at home to encourage education?

Educational promotion does not imply forcing your child to read or devoting extra time to writing. It could be as simple as teaching your child to value reading and writing in the home. You can also encourage fundamental skills by allowing children to peruse books or paint and color.

Q — What’s the best way to reach out to you?

Sometimes people try to have meaningful discussions with teachers during pick-up or drop-off periods, which are not the greatest times. Parents should inquire as to whether their children’s teachers prefer to communicate via phone, email, text messages, or communicating using school-approved applications. This allows the teacher to provide you with thoughtful comments without being distracted.

Q — What should I do if my kid is having academic difficulties?

It’s never easy for a parent to learn that their child is having academic difficulties. To assist your youngster, inquire as to what areas he is falling behind on and at what level he should be doing. Inquire about the child’s most difficult subjects as well as whether they perform well to only certain teachers. Also, inquire as to whether your child needs a special education assessment.

Q — Is my child having social difficulties?

Social connection is an important aspect of school life. As your child gets older, he/she will face social challenges as he attempts to integrate into a group setting. Inquiring about your child’s general behavior with their friends might be reassuring. You should also question their social challenges and whether or not they are bullied. It’s critical to learn about the school’s anti-bullying policy.

Q — What can I do to help you?

Many instructors don’t hear these words, but they’re ones they’d want to hear more often: how can I help you? Teaching is a difficult job, whether you teach at a public school, a private school, or even an online school in India. You essentially hold the world’s future in your hands, multiplied by the number of students in your classroom.

To Conclude

No matter what the situation may be like, talk to your child’s teacher about it. They could be aware of issues that were not in your awareness. And, let’s admit it, teachers spend longer time with their students than their parents do at home. That being said, they can undoubtedly assist you in ensuring that everyone has a strong academic term.

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Originally published at https://blogs.dynamind.co on February 3, 2022.




Written by Dynamind

Dynamind is a platform that helps Teachers and Tutors to grow their online classes. https://blogs.dynamind.co/

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